Real Estate Developers

Allow Lee & Bronski to become your main partner for reaching an international audience. Your listing may reach hundreds of thousands prospective clients in various corners of the world.

Lee & Bronski contacts and records thousands of international clients interested in purchasing real estate in the Central Eastern Europe region. We actively increase our position in the world’s most prospective overseas markets, such as China, Korea, Oman or Kuwait. We have access to the most innovative marketing solutions and our sales are generated as a result of solid international relationships and top notch IT integrations with media of the highest reach. Our network of Partners and locally operating Introducers will bring you just the client you are just looking for. Please keep in mind that 99% of our transactions are cash, as opposed to mortgages or any other forms of bank funding — just an aspect we may want to emphasise.

Lee & Bronski’s Services:

  • a full range of on-line and off-line marketing activities; starting with creating the campaign strategy for the project during the entire sales period, advertising with the use of aforementioned channels, participating in international property expos, setting up overseas sales offices, as well as simply generating leads and running PR activities
  • selling your properties; we appoint the best real estate, financial and legal experts dedicated for each project as well as we are responsible for all processes from the first meeting with the client to handing over the keys to the premises and transferring ownership

Contact us and check what we can do for you >>>
